• iconKalisthan Road,Sareya Ward No.-04,Gopalganj

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 8 Am to 5 Pm

+91 9199460046
+91 8789417138

About Us

About us

The Bihar Vikas Vidyalaya

The School was established on the auspicious day of 3rd January 2011 by the enlightment of the present SDPO of Gopalganj. It is in the heart of Gopalganj.
The aim of the management body was to encourage the growing children of remote area towards quality education. Unlimited enthusiasm, efficiency and refusal to defeat have nurtured in the from of good virtues of the wards of that small place. The pious innovation of a branch leads limitless publicity & deference by the mass.


Director Message

From the Desk of Director Winners are those who never accept defeat. It is truly said in the Geeta that immortality can be procured by the penance for knowledge and depth of education. History is the witness of occurence that a stalwart person defies and attains everything what he desires. It was the pious imagination to lighten the candle of learning which could spread over even the very poor of the society in the field of education, because it has the power to build the character, differentiate human beings from the beasts, make the society submissive, enhance the mental and spiritual faculties of the people. The root of oducation is bitter but the fruit is so sweet. Hence devotees of education take pledge to modify the model of society and contribute their endeavour to create the learning tomple. True to our words and strong faith we are determined to servu the saciety with full of esteem and enthusiasm so that of victory. The prosperity, flourishment, and aducated citizens. Our extended clarification is tue jo uojezij to impert the student quality oducation who are considered as the future of our nation. We strive to leave foot prints for the incomers who follow the same path and thrive their bright career.

Anil Kumar Srivastava


Dy. Director Message

Director's Vision Statement Our vision encompasses not only the school but also the wider community so that it shares too our ambitions yet achievable future. Methods of learning are changing dramatically and we are forefront of creating a "thinking curriculum" that empowers all learners to take responsibility for their own development. We regard the pursuit of academic excellence as a route to social and personal fulfilment. We are firmly committed to the concept of all round education encouraging creativity and practicaly as well as mental discipline and promoting the notion of the service to others. We endeavor to offer an education for life in the fullest possible sense

"Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trial"

Sunil Kumar

Director Message

It gives me immense pleasure and pride in our impressive motto of education which provide special intellectual, social and emotional needs of today's new age learners. We desire to continue to be at the top of the list of educational option in the brightest young people in and around. We need dynamic change in the coming generation and encourage to develop their skills and character, traits of creative, productive and contributing to member of the society. We endeavor to shape out the students at the very initial level. Despite lack of resources we provide them all equipped facilities to bloom better in our premises. We have established school children to awaken intellect of shining characters to display the ignorance from the society in order to provide education to all.

Sudhir Kumar

Why Choose us

We strive to blow our students with scholastic attitude, sprit of scientific temporal and professional integrity, passion for the service of the mankind through conducive academic environment for achieving and sustaining excellence.

Our Mission

We strive to blow our students with scholastic attitude, sprit of scientific temporal and professional integrity, passion for the service of the mankind through conducive academic environment for achieving and sustaining excellence.

Our vission

The endeavour of our founder is to develop in each individual the knowledge, interest,ideal habits and power so that he will find his place and use it to both himself and the society towards noble ends and build up the nation as a mighty nation.Mighty not in the ordinary sense of the word but mighty in thought,mighty in action, mighty in culture and mighty in it’s peaceful service of humanity

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